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Middle East

Essay by   •  February 7, 2014  •  Essay  •  1,104 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,300 Views

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In Middle East, all three monolithic religions were born and they were Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Judaism was the first religion in the Middle East and then later on, came the two most important religions, Christianity and Islam. Both religions were emerged and spread to the Middle East. Christianity and Islam are from the West and East Europe. All three religions are monolithic religions because they all believe in one God and not many God like the Hindus. In both areas, they deeply believe in rituals, founders and sacred objects. Both religions have different beliefs but they have similar origin. In this essay, I will compare and contrast the two religions and also talk about the Ottoman Empire.

In East Europe, Islam means "submission" to them and it really means submission to the will of Allah, the one God, it is like a pathway to God, where they submit to God. In their life, God is always in the center of their life. People believe that in order to attain a true peace in mind and bond of heart, they must submit to God. In Islam, many people mistakenly think that Mohammed was the founder of Islam. Mohammed isn't their founder but he was a restorer for the three prophets, Abraham, Moses and Jesus and he will become the final prophet of Islam. When Mohammed turned 40 years old, he received the Islamic scriptures from an angel named Gabriel who was send by God. The Islamic Scriptures is called Koran which means "praiseworthy." Gabriel told Mohammed that God had selected him to become the messenger for the East Europe. Mohammed's teaching to the Islam was most directly expressing the will of Allah which was the one God of Islam. Muslims are the ones who have submitted themselves to God. There Bible is called the Qur'an and they believe that this is going to be the last book of God sent to the mankind.

In the Islam religion, they have five religious duties which are called "The Five Pillars of Faith." The five religious duties that they have to do is reciting the Islamic creed which was stating that Allah is the one God and Mohammed is his messenger and the second duty is praying five times a day in a mosque where they would face towards the Holy City of Mecca. When a person goes to the mosque and pray, they have to wash their feet or clean themselves before going into the mosque to pray. The third duty is fasting where they may not have food or drink during the daylight hours. The fourth duty is charity, where people give money to the poor and the fifth duty is Haji where you are making at least one journey to Mecca. In the Eastern Europe, people who are Islamic go to the Haram Sharif which is like a temple to them, where they would bow and pray to God. When people go to the Haram Sharif, they have to be covered up like for example, for women, they have to wear a Burga. Wherever women go, like shopping or meeting up with friends, they always have to wear a Burga, a Shador, Purdah, and Hijab. People in the East would always greet each other by saying "Salaam" which means "peace to you." In East Europe, males would dance like twirling around because they believe that if they twirl around, it will bring them closer to God. God said Islamic people can have up to four wives, but the only problem is that if they want to have another wife, the male has to treat both wives equally and not un equal.

In Western Europe, Christianity emerges and spread through the West. Christianity is a dominant religion around Europe. People who are Christianity believe in one God. Christianity had a Bible and also they had things like the Ten Commandments, but they also believe that people who go and confessed to God and God would forgive



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