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Mktg 305 - Marketing Analysis

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Frank Rosado Suarez

American Intercontinental University

Market Analysis & Insight


Marketing Management

Project Type: Unit 1 Individual Project

October 6, 2012


This student in this Individual Project is going to analyzed two marketing tools. One will be about a successful marketing plan and the other one will be about one that was unsuccessful. Also in this paper the student is going to analyze a motion picture that fail at the box office including the reasons for his failure.

Market Analysis & Insight


In this individual project the company that this student selected as an example of marketing success is Coca Cola Co. This company has succeeded and also has failed in their marketing plan but for the last 20 years is one of most recognize brad of soda in the world. In this paper will discuss why the animated motion picture "Mars Needs Moms" fail at the box office.

Definition of Marketing Plan

Marketing plan is a written document that goes over all the facts that the marketer has recollected and learned about the market. This plan address also how the firm is planning to accomplish his marketing objective. The marketing plan is one of the most important document when developing a marketing strategy. This plan helps management to have a sense of direction on how to market their product or services. A good marketing plan should address the following:

1. Situation Analysis

2. Marketing strategy

3. Financial Projections

4. Implementation and controls

This would guide the whole managerial team on how the business is planning to achieve his goals helping all parts of the managerial team to work towards the same goal, (Kotler & Keller, 2012).

Marketing Plans: an Example of Success

Coca Cola marketing plan has done what no other company has done marketing their product. They planned to make sure that every person could have a Coke just about anywhere. Consumers could find a Coke in a hospital, gas station, drug store, service station, office buildings, government buildings and list could go on and on and on. You could say that a Coke could be found anywhere in the world. The Coca Cola Company learned many lessons from the past some of those lessons are:

1. Hosting and Gathering - Coca Cola Co. helped developing countries to develop a strong business networks something that they lack of because of their lack of experience.

2. Marketing (Hearing the voice of the customer) - They realize that they needed to make the customer the center of their business organization. They realize that their company could succeed if they listened to the needs of their customer and responded accordingly.

3. Marketing the product - They focus on the four P's of the marketing mix (product, placement, promotion and price) paying special attention to product from the perspective of the customer.

4. Placement - They make sure that the product was close to their customer to ensure that the product was available to their customers.

These simple lessons helped Coca Cola Company to grow exponentially because instead of trying to compete with their closest rival, Pepsi Company they decided to expand the cola market. Also they focus more in their consumers which was a huge success story, (McCarty & Sires, 2011).

Marketing Plans: an Example of Failure

Coca Cola Company also has a very good example of unsuccessful marketing plan. This student remembers clearly when Coca Cola introduced back in 1985 "New Coke" This student back then was a 18 years old Marine stationed in Camp Pendleton, California. The Coca Cola machines that we had in our barracks been change with the New Coke. This student has been a Coke fan his whole life. But when this student tasted the New Coke something happened the taste of the New Coke was not what this student expected and stopped drinking Coke.

Coca Cola, Co. due to consumer's research showed that people was starting to prefer Pepsi over Coke make Coca Cola management worry. They started their own survey to detect if they change their product for one that tasted alike Pepsi how the consumer would react. They found in their own research that Coca Cola drinkers preferred the New Coke over the old Coke. The company decided to change the old Coke for the New Coke.

At first everything look good for New Coke but when Coke drinkers like this student started asking for the old Coke an outcry began when they found out that the old Coke was no longer available. Protest, calls, and letters started to flood the company asking for the old Coke and sales of New Coke started to decline because of the outcry for the old Coke. The company decided to bring back the old formula with a new name "Coca Cola Classic". They sold now both types of Coke. Slowly but surely Classic Coke outsold New Coke until New Coke faded away. This shows clearly how a marketing plan that did not listened to the consumers because they asked the wrong question prove to be the biggest marketing mistake that the Coca Cola Company



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