Morals Case
Essay by marnold11 • September 19, 2013 • Essay • 1,202 Words (5 Pages) • 1,313 Views
Wouldn't it be nice if everyone believed in the same morals? Also, wouldn't it be nice if everyone treated everyone with the same amount of respect? Unfortunately in our society, this is deemed impossible. Everyone seems to have different moral codes they follow, and most of the time these moral codes clash with other's moral codes. There are so many different views people have in our society today that it makes it rather impossible for everyone to agree on certain morals. This paper has not only opened my eyes on how many different moral theories there actually are, but also made me realize what I would like to live by as far as my own, personal moral views. This paper has been quite challenging, but because of the challenge it has also been very rewarding knowing that I had overcome this particular challenge. First, I would like to go over the subject of where I believe morals come from, then I will address what I believe is the most favorable moral theory, followed by conclusion on what you would gain if practicing this particular moral theory.
Where do Morals Come From?
I strongly believe that morals originated from religion. Religion has been around ever since the beginning of time, and religion told people how to behave, and what is considered to be right or wrong. Even a non-religious person has particular views on morals that still originated from some sort of religion. For example, a family could not be a religious family, but this family's ancestors were very religious. Since the ancestors were religious and had specific moral guidelines according to their religious beliefs, these beliefs on how one should act has been passed down through their generations. So even if the current family does not believe in religion, their value system still stemmed from their ancestors religious beliefs.
I also believe that as our society continues to grow, so do the views on both religion and moral beliefs. There are many different religions in our society and sometimes people who do not prefer one specific religion, may take pieces from each religion to shape their moral views and beliefs. The members of our society now have the opportunity to share their views with others, and this is causing so many different "new" views on what is considered to be acceptable behavior and thinking in our society. As time moves forward, I believe we will continue to see different moral views on what is considered to be right or wrong actions to one another.
Open-Mind Moral Theory
I believe people would benefit if they were more open minded. Therefore, I have come up with what, I believe, would be a great moral theory to live by. There are so many people in our society who judge others instantly. People will simply see another person walking down the street and believe they act a certain way just because of the way they look. People in our society are also stuck in their current belief systems. Many people will not even consider new beliefs, nor will they even listen to someone who has different beliefs than themselves.
I believe if people could have more of an open mind towards their current moral views, people would benefit. Not only will people show to have more respect for the peers, they will also be more willing to hear about other's views and consider what is actually beneficial to our society as a whole. I believe that in order to have a good set of morals, you need to consider the possibility that there may be other moral guidelines that are more suitable. If you have an open mind, you will be able to see that your current moral standards may not be as suitable as you would think. For example, if someone believes that it is okay to steal something because you need to feed your children and someone tells you this is actually not okay, if you have an open mind you will listen to this other person and actually think of what you could have done differently instead of stealing this food. Maybe you will realize you could have gone to a local food pantry and gotten a donation rather than taking something that is not yours.