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Professor Pamela Cameron Case

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Only Free If You Can Get It

Austin Elkins

American National Government 2301

Professor Pamela Cameron

November 17, 2014

Austin Elkins

Professor Cameron

American National Government 2301

06 October 2014

Only Free If You Can Get In

This country was originally a place where people went seeking a new life and better opportunity. Unfortunately, things have drastically changed as people have begun to resort to slipping across the border illegally which is difficult for both sides. For starters it cheats those who come to America legally following proper protocol and paying proper taxes and fees. Crossing the America border illegally is cheaper and much faster. However, those crossing the border illegally never truly experience freedom in America because they always live in fear of getting caught and deported. That leaves America with a major issue that needs to be resolved quickly and leadership is doing their best to find a solution. However with both conservatives and liberals have very different views this makes it nearly impossible for compromise to happen. It is Christian's job to be the love of Christ to everyone and that means giving immigrants the best fair opportunity to have the finest life possible. There are solutions to be found that could help open up the great melting pot of America if leadership is really willing to make some sacrifices and compromises.

The issue of immigration has become increasingly more flawed since it has become easier for people to enter the country illegally. This simple illegal access has had American's worried about illegal immigrants taking jobs that should be going to legal American citizens. There is also the concern that some of the people entering the country illegally could be linked to terrorist and drug trafficking organizations. Lately rumors have been spreading that major players in the ISIS organization have arrived in American through illegal means. However some of these people entering this country are just simply looking for better opportunities for their children. President Obama has tried to help the later by single handedly forcing through his DREAM Act into law (Romano). The DREAM Act is designed to provide a gateway to citizenship for people that were brought here illegally as children and would otherwise be facing deportation (Romano). Unfortunately, the fear and greed caused by the original views has caused most people to look at this issue with a purely black or white point of view. Either you are completely for immigration or you want the borders locked and no one is willing to make a compromise. Compromises are what our founding fathers used to make this country a model for successful government operating for the people by the people.

The Liberal Democrats think that President Obama's direct use of power has been justified. The fact that the conservative republicans are completely unwilling to make compromise forced President Obama to use such power. Democrats on the other hand have been completely willing to help their Republican Presidents whenever important issues called for it. An example being President Ronald Reagan's tax cuts, he was able to get thirty-seven Democratic Senators to vote his way. George W. Bush only got an average of twelve Democratic vote on policies he put on the House floor (Romano). However, President Obama pushed to pass seven different items through the House of Representatives before the Republicans took control and only got a total fifteen republican votes (Romano). The Liberal view is that President Obama's hand was being forced into taking such aggressive actions. Additionally, conservative republicans have threatened to filibuster a record setting 385 times in just five years. (Romano).

Additionally, allowing illegal immigrants easier access to citizenship could greatly benefit the American economy to a point that many conservatives would never admit too. The fact is typically immigrants do not take government funding away from native born Americans. As Daniel T. Griswold points out in his article immigrants are not allowed to access most welfare benefits for at least five years according to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996. This would suggest that an immigrant would have to find a job of some type in order to survive in America on their own for at least five years. The majority of the jobs that immigrants take are in the labor force, they make up about sixty-eight percent of the total labor force in America (Griswold). This is proof that immigrants are willing to do jobs that most native born Americans are unwilling to do, but still need to be done by someone. This should also help prove to citizens that immigrant are not coming to America just to take up government resources, but are really just looking for job opportunities to help themselves and their families. The states that immigrants are residing in also prove that they are solely looking for jobs. Many immigrants are choosing to such as states like the Carolinas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Georgia which are spending less on social spending compared to many other states. These are just a couple of reasons that suggest most immigrants are just looking for jobs instead of handouts which has really strengthen the back bone of the American economy throughout its history.

On the flip side of the coin conservative republicans, also have their reasons for not wanting immigration reform that allows for easier access to American freedoms to immigrants. Perhaps the most obvious reason is that republicans are counting their votes. Considering that the majority of Hispanic immigrants vote democrat it is important for republicans to slow the ability for illegal immigrants to become legal just as an act of self-preservation. The best example of this is the state of California which was once a republican stronghold has now become the largest liberal state in Union (Ingraham).

However, they are also several additional reasons why conservative republicans would like to slow or stop illegal immigration. Conservative republicans argue that large amounts of illegal immigrants competing for jobs with low skilled Americans causes wage stagnation and higher unemployment rates among citizens (Antle III). High unemployment rates really hurt the American economy because unemployed Americans are not bringing in enough income to pay their bills which forces them to take out loans. Americans would



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