Essay by review • March 21, 2011 • Study Guide • 555 Words (3 Pages) • 1,457 Views
Coding Scheme for questions in Questionnaire Workshop Course Technology Questionnaire
Enter your MATRICOLA here:
Section 1: The course technology
I cannot answer this question strongly disagree disagree neither agree nor disagree agree strongly agree
Q1-1 I am finding it useful to use the LearningSpace for this course. x
Q1-2 The ability to participate in online discussions has improved the learning process for me. x
Q1-3 Using the LearningSpace for this course is a waste of time x
Q1-4 The LearningSpace is accessible (i.e. I am able to reach the login page) whenever I want to use it. x
Q1-5 I like use LearningSpace for this course. x
Q1-6 Use of the LearningSpace has helped me to learn during this course. x
Q1-7 I have access to all the help I need to be able to use the LearningSpace for this course. x
Q1-8 The ability to have electronic access to course material has had a positive influence on my ability to organise my studies. x
Q1-9 I am using the LearningSpace in this course only because the teachers require it. x
Q1-10 During the semester, I have experienced problems accessing pages within the LearningSpace. x
Q1-11 Other courses should use LearningSpace the way it is used in this course. x
From Q1-1 to Q1-11, my coding scheme is as follows:
I cannot
answer this
strongly disagree disagree neither agree nor disagree agree strongly agree
0 1 2 3 4 5
So according to my answers, the coding scheme would be:
MATRICOLA Q1-1 Q1-2 Q1-3 Q1-4 Q1-5 Q1-6 Q1-7 Q1-8 Q1-9 Q1-10 Q1-11
ri1196161 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 2 4 4
Section 2: Your use of technology
* Network Connections
Type of connection
Mark this box if you use this type of connection once a week or more From what location do you use this type of connection?
Q2-1 A high speed cable connection using someone else's computer (e.g. Bocconi computer lab) x Bocconi computer labs
Q2-2 A high speed cable connection using my own computer (e.g. cable connection to local area network in Bocconi, ADSL at home or in an office) x At home
Q2-3 Wireless Internet connection using my own computer
Q2-4 Dial-up connection with a phone line to an Internet Service Provider
Q2-5 ISDN connection through an Internet Service Provider
Q2-6 Other (please specify):
From Q2-1a to Q2-6a, my coding scheme is as follows:
Not marked Marked
0 1
And from Q2-1c to Q2-6c, my coding scheme is as follows:
Not marked At university At home or dormitory Other public places
0 1 2 3
So according to my answers, the coding scheme looks like:
MATRICOLA Q2-1a Q2-1b Q2-1c
ri1196161 1 Bocconi computer labs 1
MATRICOLA Q2-2a Q2-2b Q2-2c
ri1196161 1 At home 2
MATRICOLA Q2-3a Q2-3b Q2-3c
ri1196161 0 0
MATRICOLA Q2-4a Q2-4b Q2-4c
ri1196161 0 0
MATRICOLA Q2-5a Q2-5b Q2-5c
ri1196161 0 0
MATRICOLA Q2-6a Q2-6b Q2-6c
ri1196161 0 0
* Using online applications for your study at university
Q2-9 and Q2-10 are open-ended questions and my coding schemes for these questions areas follows:
For Q2-9:
My coding scheme is as follows:
Learning Space E-mail Google You@B Msn Library catalogue Others