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Reflection Case

Essay by   •  December 3, 2014  •  Essay  •  1,659 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,592 Views

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Taking this course freshened up what I had learned in some of my undergrad classes. Even though I am working as a Special Education teacher, I still was not too aware how the laws were developed and executed and litigations in Special Education. This course on Special Education & Ethical Responsabilities has been an eye opener and it definitely helped me bring up-to-date this information.

Even though I have worked as a special education teacher for four years, I still did not know much about Section 504. This course gave me a clear understanding of exactly what Section 504 is. All I knew about section 504 is that the assistant principal was in charge of passing out accommodations for students that were under this act to their teachers. I knew the assistant principal was the one that decided what state assessment students would be administered. Last school year was the first time, I had students that were under Section 504 test in the same room with our special education students. I noticed these students received the same testing accommodations but did not make sense why this students were not under the school's special education program. I learned through this course that a student that have "a physical or mental impairment that interferes with a student's disability to learn" () and does not meet the criteria under IDEA is protected under the Section 504 Act. Students that are under Section 504 are still able to receive accommodations and related services that will facilitate therir learning.

One of the things that I really enjoyed whether I participated or just listened in were the class discussions. There was one in particular that I found interesting it was on disciplining students with disabilities. A question that was asked during class was if students with disabilities follow the same code of conduct as students without disabilities? Which was interesting to know that no matter a student's disability, they all follow that same code of conduct. As a special education teacher, I have had the experience in sitting in on several Manifestation hearings. I did have an understanding that the meeting was held to determine if the student's behavior was related to his/her disability or to address a change of placement. When a change of placement was addressed a student was usually recommended to an alternative setting for a certain amount of days depending on the student's infraction. But one of the things, I did not understand why a student would be placed in an Emotional Disturbance Unit just because of his/her behavior. After the class discussion, I got a better understanding that a person can be placed in a unit as a temporary setting in order to address the student's needs as long as guidelines are followed. IDEA and Section 504 address that before disciplining a student with disabilities or making a change of placement following proper procedures.

This course has helped me in many ways, it really opened my eyes and made me more aware on the importance of following appropriate procedures when developing an IEP or considering placements. What has helped me understand, were all the litigation cases that we read and discussed in class. One case that caught my eye was the Rowley v. The Board of Education in which parents felt the district was not providing the student with a FAPE education. One thing, I learned is how the Supreme Courts review the cases to determine if the school districts followed the appropriate procedural process and are providing the students with an appropriate education. The courts develop a two part question test to determine if the schools are following IDEA guidelines. One question that was asked in the courts is the student receiving a meaningful education? Sometimes as parents we want our kids to be included in a regular class setting even though the student is not gaining from this education. As a special education teacher, I have experienced were a student from a functional living skills unit was mainstreamed for reading in a general education setting as per parents request. I thought it was a good idea at the time and agreed with this placement, the student was non-verbal and unable to write. So, the teacher never included the student in the class activities. The student worked on things that were at his/her level different from the other students. The student was not benefiting from this class. After this class and reading those cases, I question myself am I doing the right thing when developing an IEP or recommending a change of placement.

Overall, this class has really helped me see things differently. I have a better understanding on how the laws were developed and how they were executed. I learned how the Supreme courts system reviewed and developed question that can be used by the lower courts to determine if the school are following appropriate procedures under IDEA.

Taking this course freshened up what I had learned in some of my undergrad classes. Even though I am working as a Special Education teacher, I still was not too aware how the laws were developed and executed and litigations in Special Education. This course on Special Education & Ethical Responsabilities has been an eye opener and it definitely helped me bring up-to-date this information.

Even though I have worked as a special education teacher for four years, I still did not know much about Section 504. This course gave me a clear understanding of exactly what Section 504 is. All I knew about section 504 is that the assistant principal was in charge of passing out accommodations for students that were under this act to their teachers. I knew the assistant principal was the one that decided what state assessment students would be administered. Last school year was the first time, I had students that were under Section 504 test in the same room with our special education



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