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Silence/christianity in Japan

Essay by   •  December 13, 2010  •  Essay  •  2,488 Words (10 Pages)  •  1,601 Views

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Religion forms the backbone of a nation; with this dutiful title governments may come to base many of there principles to coincide with the teachings of the nationally accepted religion. In some oppressive cases the government may even dictate the belief system that will be accepted though out the empire -- Leaving no tolerance for those who wish to practice a different religion. Furthermore some countries/faiths felt compelled to convert anyone who was a non believer in an attempt to expand the territory of their belief system. This plan was carried out through missionaries. At one point in history, Japan seemed the most fruitful destination for the Jesuit missionaries. In 1549 Francis Xavier, one of the seven original Jesuits, landed in Kagoshima harbor in Japan and proclaimed "the delight of my heart ...the country in the Orient most suited to Christianity."(Endo, Silence, viii) At first much initial success was experienced, the number of convert swelled to 300,000 within one generation. However as the 16th century came to a close the shoguns expelled the Jesuits, and required that all Christians remaining must renounce their faith and register as Buddhists, and shortly after began to harass any who disobeyed this harsh edict. The first executions soon followed, and this began the age of Japanese Christian martyr. Silence a novel composed by Shusaku Endo, is the tale of a few of these courageous martyrs. Endo also presents the idea that "if Hellenistic Christianity is not does not fit Japan, neither does it suit the modern West; if the ear of Japan is eager to catch a new strand in the vast symphony, the ear of the West is no less attentive Ð'- search for new cords that will correspond to its awakening sensibilities" (Endo, Silence, xvii). The Hellenistic religion of Christianity -- although changed is in fact well suited to any individual who with in their heart believes in the principles of the faith. County is no object in the quest for ultimate concern of religion.

This view of individual devotion and personal preference was highly contradictory to the teachings of the Catholic Church at the time. The faith preached by the missionaries was extremely orthodox Christianity. No room was left for interpretation or debate. Converts were expected to adhere to the rigid structure provided to them by the missionaries. Endo concurs with the belief that Christianity is in fact appropriate for the country of Japan, vindicating for the Christian fighting for tolerance within Japan. Endo displayed a distinct reverence to all those who were valiant and devout enough to surrender their lives for the faith. Regrettably they received, at times a tainted interruption of the faith. This is how the adaptations to the faith came into play. The poor translation made the language barrier a monumental factor in the purity of the word.

The language barrier presented many problems. "I cannot help laughing when I hear the mumbling Portuguese and Latin words in the mouths of these ignorant peasants. The sacrament of confession they call Ð''konshan'; heaven they call Ð''parais'; hell is Ð''inferno'."(Endo, Silence, 32). On many occasions the words of the gospel were misinterpreted and taught with incorrect meanings. The word for God is a prime example. The name of the Buddhist god of sun, Fereche was given to the Christian God. "Some Japanese, hearing the sermons, thought that our God was the sun which the people of this country had revered for many generations." (Endo, Silence, 70).

Despite the rapid rate which Hellenistic Christianity spread through Japan a new school of though can be hard to grasp. To allow for higher comprehension a large emphasis placed on the virgin mother Mary. Her unconditional love and kind spirit was highly comparable to the values of Japanese culture. Her motherly love was universal transcending all cultural borders and penetrating the mindset of the converts. This led the converts to grasp on to her and endow her with praise which was never administered in the western world. "How shall I describe the joy that filled their faces when we gave them crucifixes that we has around our necks. Both of them bowed to the very ground, and pressing the crucifixes to their foreheads and spent a long time in adoration. Apparently they had not had such crucifixes in many, many years." (Endo, Silence, 28) This quotation displays the confused values the Japanese has toward religious paraphernalia and the devotion they expresses to the symbolism of the religion. The fact that they bowed to it in praise adequately displays their priorities. Expressing far more joy to see the crucifixes that to see the fathers were present to teach the legends and provide other sacraments pertinent to the catholic faith. These modifications left open the ambiguous question of weather or not the faith that the Japanese practiced really Christianity at all?

This faith that was exhibited by the Japanese Christians is still Christianity just simply not the same as that which is preached in the Catholic Church. Small elements were modified to conform to the culture of the Japanese and to allow for a higher comprehension of the religion among the locals. These modifications were pertinent to the survival of the religion. The changes increased the validity of the religion in the eyes of the Japanese. If the level of comprehension was low the religion would have been prohibited from taking root in the society of Japan. Therefore a new form of Christianity was instituted in Japan to retain members and attract new converts. There is no intention of this on the behalf of Rodriguez, a Jesuit missionary.

A nation that has endured such religious persecution like experienced by the Japanese has much justification to be skeptical of new syncretism; however the new liberation of choice must have been an intoxicating one. The right to distinguish the faith that you would potentially give your life for was now in the hands of the common man, however for only a brief moment. It was no longer left to the didactic teaching of the empire under sever penalty of law. Christianity was a tremendously hard cultural line to cross for the patriarchal Japanese. They had a difficult time grasping how a criminal (Jesus was executed by the state) could posses such high honor and status in the eyes of God. The idea of the Lord in his perfection being able to exhibit such unconditional love was unprecedented. After the initial shock of the new western thought was overcome the religion was adapted a quickly spread thought the country. With anti-Christian edicts about the country the converts were compelled to practice in secretive locations and with poor religious leadership and instruction because the fathers were expelled and no resources were available. Another adaptation



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