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Stephen of Philadelphia Case

Essay by   •  October 28, 2014  •  Essay  •  569 Words (3 Pages)  •  3,902 Views

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TITLE: Stephen of Philadelphia

AUTHOR: Mr. James Otis

Type of Book: Christian Fiction

My short two-week vacation was packed with school work which included reading the book entitled Stephen of Philadelphia by Mr. James Otis. The book Stephen of Philadelphia is a Christian Fiction book consisting of one hundred and fifty-two pages. Stephen was a twelve year old boy who lived in England until he moved to Philadelphia with both his parents. Stephen and his family moved to Philadelphia on an invitation by William Penn who invited anyone who was willing to pay the price of two beaver skins each year for land in Philadelphia. King Charles II had given William Penn a piece of land in Philadelphia as repayment for debt owned by King Charles II to William Penn's father. Stephen and his family traveled from England to Philadelphia on a ship called John and Sarah vessel. There were three ships headed to Philadelphia, one from Bristol, England where Stephen was from and the other two from London. When they arrived in Philadelphia, they agreed to start building shelters to live in. They found a place to build their house, but on the night they arrived in Philadelphia they slept in the forest. Stephen's family built their home out of logs and they had a dutch oven in their home for his mother to bake and cook.

One time Indians came to sell items to the persons who arrived in Philadelphia. The Indians wore bright colored plumes in their hair and barely wore clothes. Stephen soon became friends with the Indians. During the time, they were in Philadelphia, Stephen and his friend Jethro built a turkey trap. William Penn came to Philadelphia in the Welcome Ship as he was the governor of Philadelphia as he did not make the trip to Philadelphia with Stephen and his family. When William Penn came to Philadelphia they continued to build the city of Brotherly love which was the nickname given to the City of Philadelphia. After the building of the city was completed, the people that lived in Philadelphia had a big festival to celebrate the new city. A day of two after the festival finished, William Penn bought a piece of land from the Indians. They used guns, clothe, shirts, leather belts, axes, shoes and much more to pay the Indians for the land. Shortly after, William Penn decided that they should build a school. A man named Enoch



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