Stories of Creation
Essay by review • December 10, 2010 • Essay • 1,232 Words (5 Pages) • 1,344 Views
Stories of Creation
A creation story can be found in virtually every corner of the world. Although each view of how the earth, it surroundings and occupants came about and evolved differ. Some views differ drastically, while others share many similarities. Consequently people around the world each hold different beliefs of how or who created the earth, it's peoples and other forms of life. Ones culture, society, and religion all help molding what they believe to be true.
In reading fragments from China one can learn that the people of early China believed the earth arose from an empty space. P'an Ku is described as the creator, Yin as earth and Yang, heaven. The Chinese believed that after the journey of creating the earth, heaven and all that live within P'an Ku died and left the world with its foundation. Thus, the divine forces of P'an Ku, Yin and Yang were believed to have created humanity on earth and became the divine forces to worship.
The Inca flood story sheds light upon what was believed to have happened to the Indians of ancient time. It is thought that the world wanted to come to an end and would do so by having the ocean flood the earth. A llama was aware of the event that was going to take place and told his owner what was going to occur. They traveled to the Villa Cota Mountain, where other animals also relocated. It was here; only on this mountaintop that anything survived the flood. The waters subsided and the mountain top survivors multiplied into the people that live on earth today.
One creation story originating in Africa is that of Fang. Here in Africa it was alleged that in the beginning of time there was nothing, only God, Nzame. It was Nzame who created earth and rules the creatures of the earth. It was this Gods who made a person just like him who was given sway, power, and beauty who they named Fam. Fam became mad at Nzame because he didn't want to worship him. Nzame was mad, called on the thunder and destroyed the earth. Then Nzame felt bad and covered the earth with new soil, a tree grew and its leaves and seeds transformed into all the beings of the earth we know today.
Each of these creation stories shares a main theme, which really jumps out at the reader after looking at the passages; in each story of creation there was a tragic event that took place, which in turn made the earth what it is today. In the tale of P'an Ku it was his death, which led to the creation of earth and all that live on it, "his body transformed. His breath became the wind and clouds; his voice became peals of thunderÐ'...All the mites of his body were touched by the wind and were turned into the black-haired people." (pp.22 Global Passages)
The natives of the Andes Mountains also faced a tragic, disastrous event, which they thought helped make the world what it is today. It was thought that the ocean overflowed and only those on the highest peak of the Villa Cota Mountain survived. After the flood the one man on the mountain and animals multiplied and it was because of those people on the highest peak surviving that there are people on earth today. "It was only the Villa Cote mountain, or rather its very peak, that was not covered by waterÐ'...the drying waters caused the ocean to retreat all the way down again and exterminate all the people. Afterward, that man began to multiply once more." (pp.24 Global Passages)
Once again, the African Fang story shares the theme of disaster striking to transform the world into what it is today. After Fam began to feel as if he were superior to others Nzame became mad and called on the thunder, which destroyed the earth by burning it. Nzame then felt bad and placed a new layer of earth on the ground, which eventually recreated the people and organisms of earth. "The proof that this is the truth is this; when one digs up the earth in certain places, one finds a hard black stone that breaks; throw it in the fire and it burnsÐ'...(pp.27 & 28 Global Passages)
Each of the three pieces expressed in some