The Creation Ofconsciosness
Essay by review • December 1, 2010 • Essay • 884 Words (4 Pages) • 1,017 Views
Was or is the Great Philosopher Hegel,right when he said that when we become the continuous reencarnation of God on the Physical Plane we are creating the Inmortality of Consciousness on the material visible light world.
But then again right or wrong is only a limited thought pattern created by mortal man while on this physical plane of demostration.
So who are we to judge by only limited thought from the mortal incarnation of God;what is right or wrong.You see we as humans are Indeed the continuous and Inmortal Consciousness of God The Phather principle all together;but as single units of Physical expresion we cannot comprehend the Totality of the Consciousness of GOD The Supreme Mind of te Universe,tha is The Great Architect.
Let us explain a litle further this concept in human terms:If for example the TOTALITY of the Ocean is representative of the Inmortal Consciousness of God,the Supreme Mind of the Universe,the TOTALITY of the Mind of IS,ALL THAT IS WAS AND EVER WILL BE,to use more reacent concepts;THEN such Ocean is COMPOSED by the summ total of ALL the Molecules of Water that the Ocean Is.,BUT only one single drop of water or Molecule of the Ocean;is NOT the OCEAN,it is only a samll part of such Ocean.One single Molecule of Ocean cannott and will not comprehend the Totality of the Ocean but it is an escential part of it otherwise it would Not exist. Likewise each of us as Incarnated individuals in physical Universe cannott fully comprehend the Totality of GODS INMORTAL CONSCIOUSNESS;But at thesame time WE are escential to it otherwise such Inmortal Consciousness would not exist.
The Inmortal Consciousness of God,The Father Principle,All That IS,has ecentially all the attributes
that each of us(Each Human Indivisuallized Materallized Being)has given to IT with all of the experinces we have had in recurrent REICARNATIONS.All emotional experinces all knowledge gathered together in each Lifetime goes back to The Mind of God,to build up more information to that Great Vastness that is The Inmortal Consciouness of GOD,The Father Principle.
This is why such Super Consciouness;The Mind of IS,is so vast:It Knows everything,it sees Everything it can do anything;because it is comprised with he knowledge of ALL LIVES OF ALL CREATURES THAT HAVE EVER EXISTED AND THAT WILL EVER EXIST.
Not to Complicate ourselves in this short papper assay about the EXISTANCE OF PARALLELL PLANES,let us only concentrate upon this physical plane and the Plane where this Superconscious Mind Exits;let us say in Ð'ÐÐ'ÐSethÐ'ÐÐ'Ðterms,Framework1(The Physical visible Universe)and Framework.2(The Non-Physical Universes where the Great Super Conscious Mind Exist:That is where The Inmortal Consciousness of God Resides or Exist).
Now there are two(2) main conditions that derive from ths interesting Concept:
1)That as Hegel the Philosopher said,we must continue to REINCARNATE in order to build up the Inmortal Consiousness of God and to maintain such Concept of existence
among Incarnated Beings.
2)That we must some how LEARN TO COMUNICATE WITH SUB SUPREEME BEING,(The Mind of GOD);in order to not only comprehend our Nature of Consciousness,but also to make appropriate
use of such vast Inmense Concept while on this Limited Plane.
Let us Elaborate a litle more on this TWO(2) Vital Conditions that Derive From the OUR Knowledge of The Existance of The Mind of GOD,The Inmortal Consciousness of he Supreem Being: