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The Holocaust

Essay by   •  February 11, 2011  •  Essay  •  379 Words (2 Pages)  •  919 Views

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In 1938 the leader of Germany, Adolf hitler, decided that he wanted to expand Germany's territory. This decision changed the future for all of Germany's residnets. In 1919 Hitler designed a party called NAzism. The Nazis came to be known as Hitlers' party that wanted Germany to be as successful as possible. The NAzis blamed the Jewish people for Germanys loss in the last war and for this reason resented all Jews.

After conquering surrounding places such as Poland and France, Germany had obtained millions of Jewish families. Before the expansion took place Germany had only about 1% of their population devoted to the Jewish faith. The result of the expansion was a far more diverse population which created tension between the Jewish and Arian people.

The Nazi party along with Hitler made the decision that they only wanted the ARian race to reside in GErmany's territory and that all other races need to be killed and taken out tof the picture. They immediately began treateing all Jewish people cruely and almost all stores and shops in Gerany had "NO JEWS" written

on their doors. The JEws also had to register to the government and let them know where they were to be at all times and to wear a bright yellow arm band with Jew sewn on to the Star of DAvid, the national symbol for the Jewish faith.

The Nazis next step was to kill all Jews that did not follow all the laws and set regulations for them. Those who did not wear the band were shot and killed. Those who tried to escape the country, and death, were killed. All the others were captured and sent into death camps or concentration camps to work for free and to be tortured. Most all of the Jews that were sent to thes camps where killed or sent into gas chambres, thinkig they were about to take a shower. THe Nazis believed that the JEWs were less human and did not deserve to live. The Nazis tortured Jews because of their faith and because they did not have light hair and blue eyes like the Arians, whom they thought should rule over all.



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