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What Is the Relationship Between Talent Management and Employee Engagement? What Role Can Training and Development Practices Play in Keeping Employee Engagement High During Poor Economic Times?

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Essay Preview: What Is the Relationship Between Talent Management and Employee Engagement? What Role Can Training and Development Practices Play in Keeping Employee Engagement High During Poor Economic Times?

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What is the relationship between talent management and employee engagement? What role can training and development practices play in keeping employee engagement high during poor economic times? Explain

In the world of Human Resource (HR), we cannot run from the phrase “Talent Management” and “Employee Engagement” either in one paragraph or in on sentence. In theory, the better you manage your talent and the more engaged your employees are, the healthier your bottom line will be. The both term seen certainly related but they are definitely not the same thing .Talent Management includes everything an organization does to recruit, retain, develop, reward, and encourage its employees to become best workers they can be and also selecting the right people, developing their potential and fueling their enthusiasm, building their commitment, and also supporting them through periods of change. While, Employee Engagement explores how willing an employee is to invest time, skills, ideas, creativity, energy, and knowledge into their organization. It also can be define by using 3S. Employee exhibit behaviors to speak positively about the organization (Say), employee desire to be a part of the organization (Stay), and lastly the employee willingness to make extra effort that can contribute to the organizational success (Strive).

The relationship between these two phrases can be linked together or it correlate each other. First, we can see the relationship with these two things in term of Customer Satisfaction. Customer seem to be more demand in product and services that have high quality and quantity services. Research found that, the person that have been responsible in dealing with the customer is the one that determine the customer’s demand for that product. So, the organization talent management will look for the quality candidates that can help them to promote their product and services. Employee engagement will play their role to turn up that quality. Successful attraction combine with the recruitment process will be the first step in making this relationship. For the example, once the talent have been hired, the first step employee engagement will take is to increase the employee communication and commitment.

 Second, the relationship is about the Performance Improvement. Talent management will take the responsibility to hire the talented employees to work with them. Company seek for the appreciating from the employee for the company itself and also their product and services. So the employee need to be more engage with the company production such as selling, promoting and marketing. The greater their appreciation the higher the commitment employee will give. As example, the opportunity provided by the company for the employee to perform in a ways they sees the valuable consistently it will help them perform better in their jobs.

Third, Reduced Turnover and Increase Retention. Company will invest more money in finding the talented employee to work with them, so they will make an extra effort to make sure this “talented” employee stay with them. Employee engagement is the specific element that boost the company ability to hold the employee. People will stay with the managers they trust, so the company need to provide the opportunity for the employee to get engage in company jobs, team and the company efforts. The more they involve in the job the greater value they will see. The consistent communication about the expectations between the employee and the managers will build more trust between them. The opportunity provided will not only focus on the personal improvement but also the professional growth. For example, if the employee getting involved in the company decision, they will feel that they are important and valuable to the company.

Sometimes our economy will face downturn situation that will give a negative effect on employee engagement. First, the role of training and development practices should play in keeping employee engagement high during poor economic times by conducting focus groups. It means that, training and development department will listen to what employees are saying or the problems that employee are faced and try to act on it or find a way in solving employee problems. For instance, they will grouping the “survivors” employee in a team and make a face to face session with them to hear what problem they facing right now when the economic is low. In the other words, they build the stronger connection between them.



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