Ethics essays and research papers
Last update: June 15, 2015-
Ethics of Technology
Computers are now dominating our current world. we are getting more and more More and more people everyday are given access to using them, and it is crucial to understand that computers are not knowledge should not be abused in any way. First thing's first,let me tell you the difference between hacking and cracking. Most people overuse the term hacking, and think it as breaking into someone elses' computer, stealing control, etc. That is not
Rating:Essay Length: 384 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: February 21, 2011 -
Organizational Behavior Trends: Ethics and Technology Influences
Abstract Managers must be concerned with questions such as how do ethics influence the decision-making process and how is work-related stress affected by technology. Ethics in business is not a new issue. In 1550, Charles V of Spain contemplated the status of the natives discovered in the New World. Should they be slaves or be assigned a higher status? As of today, management is still affected by business ethics and needs to be aware of
Rating:Essay Length: 1,279 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: February 21, 2011 -
Ethical and Legal Obligations in Accounting
According to Marshall (2004), "accounting is the process of identifying, measuring, and communicating economic information about an organization for the purpose of making decisions and informed judgements" (p. 3). Specifically, financial accounting "refers to the process that results in the preparation and reporting of financial statements for an entity" (Marshall, McManus, & Viele, p. 5). While many entities prepare their own financial statements, firms can also contract with a public accounting firm or a Certified
Rating:Essay Length: 1,324 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: February 21, 2011 -
Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility
Importance of Ethics and Social Responsibility Where would business be without ethics? Without ethics what would stop the average corporation from gouging prices and giving out limited dividends. A lot of people use the term social responsibility synonymously with the term business ethics. Personally, I feel that social responsibility is a big piece of the business ethics pie. Ethics is a broad concept that entails many facets included in decision making. On the other hand,
Rating:Essay Length: 364 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: February 22, 2011 -
Ethics and Policies
Ethics and Policies Ethics definition Ethics in managements is concerned with those parts of organisational, operational, occupational and professional conduct that relate to absolute standards and moral principals. More generally, it is concerned with human character and conduct, the distinction between right and wrong, and the absolute duties and obligation that exist in all situation. It is more likely that consumer to use the organisation that they can trust and have confidence in it.
Rating:Essay Length: 2,825 Words / 12 PagesSubmitted: February 22, 2011 -
Pinoy Management and Ethics
pinoy kasi THERE have been no easy answers to the controversy around the leakage of questions in the recent nursing licensing examinations. Wouldn't a retake be better for all of the batch 2006 examinees, to remove the cloud of doubt around their competence? But wouldn't a retake mean more expenses, some families selling, literally, the last carabao? And after all's said and done, who should be punished for the leakage? My sense is that we're
Rating:Essay Length: 623 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 24, 2011 -
Business Ethics
This year the 100 Best Corporate Citizens list celebrates its fifth anniversary, and we're happy to note that 29 firms have placed on the list all five years -- among them Intel (No. 3), Avon Products (No.7), Herman Miller (No. 14), Timberland (No. 17), Cisco Systems (No. 19) Southwest Airlines (No. 22), AT&T (No. 43), Starbucks Coffee (No. 45), Merck (No. 48), and Medtronic (No. 57). The most consistent performer has been Procter & Gamble.
Rating:Essay Length: 253 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: February 24, 2011 -
Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper
CULTURAL VALUES AND PERSONAL ETHICS PAPER Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper I think that ethics are ones values, beliefs, morals and are derived from ones up-bringing, family values, customs and beliefs. Environment may influence one's ethics and values. Ethics are put into play when you are placed in a situation which you do not feel comfortable in or when you feel that something or someone is not behaving
Rating:Essay Length: 838 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: February 24, 2011 -
Ethical Practices in the Workplace
ETHICAL PRACTICES IN THE WORKPLACE ETHICAL PRACTICES IN THE WORKPLACE ETHICAL PRACTICES IN THE WORKPLACE Are Ethics practiced every minute of every day and by everyone? The Oxford English Dictionary (2006) defines ethics as, "Science of morals; the department of study concerned with the principles of human duty." There are two roles of ethical reasoning. One is good and the other is bad. It is for each of us to decide if an action preformed
Rating:Essay Length: 1,718 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: February 25, 2011 -
Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper
Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper In this assignment I will discuss how personal, organizational, and cultural values affect decision making: in my personal and professional life. I have chosen a format that will break this paper into two sections, personal and professional decisions, and how they affected me. To quote CEO Mr. John Chambers from the website: Discussions of integrity have become increasingly important in today's business environment. But these discussions are not
Rating:Essay Length: 1,133 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: February 25, 2011 -
Computing Ethics and Cyber Law
1.0 Introduction _____________________________________________________________ Information Technology (IT) is gradually becoming one of the hottest topics globally regardless of which age group you are in. Due to the fact that IT enables us to be more efficient and effective, the demand for technology multiplies yearly. Therefore, there is a rapid growth in the technology industry globally, especially the software industry. For the past few years, Malaysia has been slowly in the Information Technology area. Malaysians are more
Rating:Essay Length: 5,391 Words / 22 PagesSubmitted: February 25, 2011 -
Cloning Ethics
Philosophy: Ethics To Clone or Not To Clone? Cloning is the production of a group of genetically identical cells or organisms, all descended from a single individual. All clones have exactly the same characteristics and precisely the same DNA as their host cells. Their have been many debates about the moral ethics of cloning in recent years. Many people believe that cloning is immoral and that we are "playing God". Most people do not know
Rating:Essay Length: 1,428 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: February 25, 2011 -
Police Ethics
Police Ethics Law Enforcement has been around since the beginning of man. The Code of Hammurabi, a book of 282 different codes, which specifically spelled out punishments for crimes, was followed back as early as 1700 B.C. (Geo Quest, Current Events, 00113492, 10/28/2005, Vol. 105, Issue 8) In the Bible's story of Adam and Eve, God cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden as a punishment for breaking the rules. (The Holy
Rating:Essay Length: 880 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: February 25, 2011 -
Management of Ability, Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Ethics
Organizational behavior is the study of the many factors that have an impact on how people and groups act, think, feel, and respond to work and organizations and how organizations respond to their environments. The study of organizational behavior can improve and change individual, group, and organizational behavior to attain individual, group and organizational goals. The focus of this paper will be to analyze the management of ability, organizational commitment and job satisfaction, and organizational
Rating:Essay Length: 810 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: February 26, 2011 -
The Ethics of Drug Testing
The Ethics of Drug Testing The ethics of drug testing has become an increased concern for many companies in the recent years. More companies are beginning to use it and more people are starting more to have problems with it. The tests are now more than ever seen as a way to stop the problems of drug abuse in the workplace. This brings up a very large question. Is drug testing an ethical way to
Rating:Essay Length: 1,336 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: February 27, 2011 -
Nasa Code of Ethics
The NASW Code of Ethics maybe considered the most ambitious set of ethical guidelines in social work history. Ethical issues have always been a concern of the professional social worker. As early as 1919 there were attempts to draft professional codes of ethics (Reamer, 1998). There have been several social work organizations since, that have attempted to draft ethical codes, such as the American Association for Organizing Family Social Work and several chapters of
Rating:Essay Length: 3,825 Words / 16 PagesSubmitted: February 27, 2011 -
Nasa Code of Ethics - Summary
The NASW Code of Ethics maybe considered the most ambitious set of ethical guidelines in social work history. Ethical issues have always been a concern of the professional social worker. As early as 1919 there were attempts to draft professional codes of ethics (Reamer, 1998). There have been several social work organizations since, that have attempted to draft ethical codes, such as the American Association for Organizing Family Social Work and several chapters of
Rating:Essay Length: 3,825 Words / 16 PagesSubmitted: February 27, 2011 -
What Roles Do Ethics and Power Play in Journalism?
What Roles Do Ethics and Power Play in Journalism? For the most part, journalists have power that can hurt, instead of help citizen autonomy. The ways journalists treat their subjects and sources have generated much concern. The ethics of these two endeavors share much in common, because both use people in various ways to reach each others goals. The well-developed guidelines in research designed to protect research participants' autonomy, to guard against needless deception, and
Rating:Essay Length: 1,450 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: February 27, 2011 -
What Is Business Ethics?
What is Business Ethics? Simply put, ethics involves learning what is right or wrong, and then doing the right thing -- but "the right thing" is not nearly as straightforward as conveyed in a great deal of business ethics literature. Most ethical dilemmas in the workplace are not simply a matter of "Should Bob steal from Jack?" or "Should Jack lie to his boss?" (Many ethicists assert there's always a right thing to do based
Rating:Essay Length: 938 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: February 27, 2011 -
Ethical Investments
Ethical investments are similar to traditional investments with only one difference. Both traditional and ethical investors pursue the same goal of capital gains, higher income and/or preservation of capital for future needs. "The major difference between traditional investors and ethical investors is that ethical investors do not want their investments going for things that cause harm to the social or physical environments. Instead they want their investments to support needed and life supportive goods and
Rating:Essay Length: 1,679 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: February 28, 2011 -
Cost Accounting Ethics Essay
Accounting has a long history of being an ethical profession. In recent years, however, some companies have asked their accountants to help "manage earnings." What does it mean to manage earnings? Who is more likely to be involved in such a situation, the financial accountant or the management accountant? Why? Do you believe that managing earnings is ethical? Discuss the rationale for your answer. The major role of financial reporting is to effectively communicate financial
Rating:Essay Length: 562 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 28, 2011 -
Politics and Ethics
Politics is truly one of the greatest developments that mankind has ever had the notion to make. Can you imagine our lives without? I really cannot see our lives operating as smoothly without the existence of politics in one form or another. Almost everything we do in our lives is somehow linked either directly or indirectly to some sort of political ideology. Whether you are buying a candy bar at the store or negotiating international
Rating:Essay Length: 2,397 Words / 10 PagesSubmitted: March 1, 2011 -
On February 1, 2004, in Sarasota, Florida, eleven year old Carlie Brucia left a sleepover at a friend's house to walk home. She was never seen alive again. Several days later her body was found in a church parking lot a few miles from her home. With the help of a surveillance camera and several tips to the police, her killer was swiftly identified and charged. In June 2005, Carlie's father, Joseph Brucia, asked
Rating:Essay Length: 2,069 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: March 1, 2011 -
Ethics of Prostitution
Probably no one in the English-speaking world is unaware that our Governor has spoken out on subjects where lesser mortals, especially politicians, have held their tongue. His opinions on the assassination of JFK appear to be well-founded (November '99), however, and his views about the religious right seem equally appropriate (Holiday '99). Perhaps his proposals for the legalization of pot and prostitution also deserve some second thoughts. The strongest argument against prostitution, no doubt, is
Rating:Essay Length: 1,217 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: March 2, 2011 -
Building an Ethical Organization
Building an Ethical Organization Gwendolyn Clark University of Phoenix HHS 330 Jennifer Amond, MA Building an Ethical Organization Name: The Sauk Village Community Health Care Center Services Provided: Job training, food, clothing, shelter, education, medical treatment and all types of counseling. Mental health care also provided. We have a pediatric doctor, dentist, gynecologist, family practitioner and lab for x-rays and blood work. Clientele: Anyone from the Sauk Village area: Elderly, disabled, teen mothers, homeless
Rating:Essay Length: 2,153 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: March 2, 2011