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First Amendment essays and research papers


212 First Amendment Free Papers: 126 - 150

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Last update: May 20, 2015
  • The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress The First Continental Congress was held on September 5, 1774, at Philadelphia's Carpenter's Hall to protest the Intolerable Acts. Benjamin Franklin wanted to hold this meeting earlier, but because the Boston Port was closed from the Boston Tea Party, not many people supported it. When they actually got started, twelve out of the thirteen colonies (Georgia did not) sent some representatives. The sessions were held until late October. All the Americans

    Essay Length: 550 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: February 27, 2011
  • Protect Our Second Amendment!

    Protect Our Second Amendment!

    Protect our Second Amendment! The government should stop trying to pass stricter gun control laws. People run around every day blaming guns for the deaths of thousands of people a year, when the reality of it is guns don't kill people, people kill people. It isn't the guns fault there was a psycho person standing on the wrong side and they killed someone. It also isn't the guns fault if a young child gets a

    Essay Length: 483 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 27, 2011
  • The First Wives Club Analysis

    The First Wives Club Analysis

    The First Wives Club Analysis When I was in the process of looking for a movie to watch for this essay, my initial thinking was to find a movie about male chauvinists, dominant male figures, etc. then it dawned on me; find a movie that features empowered women and their points of view. The movie I chose was The First Wives Club written by Olivia Goldsmith and directed by Hugh Wilson (Police Academy, Guarding Tess).

    Essay Length: 1,138 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: February 27, 2011
  • The Fourteenth Amendment

    The Fourteenth Amendment

    The Fourteenth Amendment What amendment to the United States constitution is considered to be illegally ratified? What amendment both grants the right to vote to men and then takes away that right to vote? If you answered the fourteenth amendment to both questions you would be right. Although most people think of the fourteenth amendment as being a "civil rights" amendment, it also defines citizenship, voting rights, and states congressional representatives and electors numbers. In

    Essay Length: 1,434 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: March 1, 2011
  • The Right Reform: First Things First

    The Right Reform: First Things First

    The Right Reform: First Things First Today students in the United States mostly encounter only one type of teaching technique, a traditional style overrun with chalkboard lectures and unenthusiastic teachers; a classroom structure which forces students to act like the receptacles Freire described in his work, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed." Paulo Freire argues that too often education involves what he termed Ð''banking' the educator making Ð''deposits' in the pupils. Children do not express or think

    Essay Length: 3,360 Words / 14 Pages
    Submitted: March 2, 2011
  • Ia Drang: The First Battle

    Ia Drang: The First Battle

    While it has been almost fifty years since the United States became involved in Vietnam, and almost twenty years since the Fall of Saigon, it is those first major engagements that took place over forty years ago that provide the most portraits of what American soldiers would endure during their tours in Vietnam. Master military theorist Karl Von Clausewitz in the 1830s could have been talking about Vietnam when he discussed the nature and

    Essay Length: 6,154 Words / 25 Pages
    Submitted: March 2, 2011
  • The Second Amendment

    The Second Amendment

    If the government takes peoples guns what is next? The individuals that are on the anti-gun control side think that one should be able to posses and own any firearm and think that gun ownership is a Constitutional Right protected by the Second Amendment. They also think that gun laws only restrict the law abiding citizens. People on the pro-gun control side believe that guns are the backbone to our crime problem. They also believe

    Essay Length: 546 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: March 3, 2011
  • My First Wrestling Match

    My First Wrestling Match

    My First Wrestling Match Have you ever felt so scared that you were going to throw up and faint? This describes my mother at my first wrestling match. This also describes my feelings. It was my first wrestling tournament ever; the anticipation was so thick you could cut it with a knife. This match would come to be known as one of the most challenging adventures in my life. I had never wrestled before or

    Essay Length: 481 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 3, 2011
  • 4th Amendment

    4th Amendment

    The fourth amendment states The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. It was written in the late 1700s because of the strong objections to the Writs Assistance or

    Essay Length: 1,219 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: March 4, 2011
  • Reasons After the 18th Amendment

    Reasons After the 18th Amendment

    The Eighteenth Amendment, or better known as the Prohibition Amendment, was the change to the Constitution that made the, "manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purpose is hereby prohibited" (209). In other words, associating one's self with anything alcoholic, with the exception of medicinally, was illegal. This seemingly un-American amendment was

    Essay Length: 1,338 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: March 5, 2011
  • Let It Pour: My First Assignment as Executive Assistant

    Let It Pour: My First Assignment as Executive Assistant

    Let it Pour: My First Assignment as Executive Assistant. Chris is the new executive assistant to the Pat, CEO. Pat has requested Chris to identify the problems and present the findings so Pat can compose a speech to the media, Board of Directors, stakeholders, and all members of staff. Faith Community Hospital has been enforced to take a more in depth look into the mission statement, the financial status, and the performance issues within the

    Essay Length: 3,109 Words / 13 Pages
    Submitted: March 5, 2011
  • Let It Pour: My First Assignment as Executive Assistant

    Let It Pour: My First Assignment as Executive Assistant

    Organizational Communications Amy Dunn University of Phoenix Management Communication Skills - COMM/400 Nancy Dollar October 3, 2005 Organizational Communications This paper discusses the organizational flow of communications and information within a company. The company chosen for this paper is Cox Target Media (CTM). How Information Travels at CTM Organization and the Relationship to the Communication Model At Cox Target Media (CTM) there are a number of ways in which information must be communicated to

    Essay Length: 1,176 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: March 7, 2011
  • First Car Accident

    First Car Accident

    My First Car Accident First of all, I must say that I could never imagine how ten seconds of life could change a person's view on his whole existence. Three weeks ago my whole life changed because of one drunk driver. I own a small, two door vehicle, which is called Toyota Celica. This car is good if you like a nice smooth ride with outstanding mileage. That day, I was going north on I-95

    Essay Length: 348 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 7, 2011
  • The First 90 Days

    The First 90 Days

    Book Summary The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels Author: Watkins, Michael Conceptual concept: * Promote yourself - to this point in your career will continue to do so. * Accelerate your learning - be systematic and focused about deciding what you need to learn and how you will learn it most efficiently. * Match strategy to situation * Secure early wins - builds personal credibility, creates value, and

    Essay Length: 459 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 7, 2011
  • First and only

    First and only

    This book is set in the future in another galaxy about a battle hardened team of men sent out by their unapproved Commander Dravere. Dravere sees the team (also known as Gaunt's ghosts [as their leader general Ibram Gaunt]) as a scapegoat in the army, then as an ally. He cares not for Gaunt and his men for they are the infantry men who don't give up and essentially blow through the enemy and steal

    Essay Length: 333 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 8, 2011
  • Ying Zheng First Emperor of China

    Ying Zheng First Emperor of China

    Qin Dinasty was one of seven Kingdoms which fought to reign over the Chinese empire around the 300BC. At this period, the king of the Zhou Dynasty was always the leader of the empire, but he could no more make no decision. The dynasty of Qin is one of the briefest but also one of the most important Chinese dynasties. Its administration indeed corresponds to the implementation of the imperial order and opens the way

    Essay Length: 1,054 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: March 9, 2011
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment

    Owning a dog while living in an apartment Most renters do not think that there is anything wrong with owning a dog while living in an apartment. While owning a dog can be very fun and rewarding, most renters do not consider the downfalls of a furry companion before they bring home their pet. The three most common downfalls of owning a dog in an apartment are dealing with the inconvenience of not having yard,

    Essay Length: 891 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: March 14, 2011
  • The First Crusade

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade was launched in 1095 by Pope Urban II with the stated goal of capturing the sacred city of Jerusalem and the Holy Land from Muslims, but this was more easily said than done. The motions that set this in place began “in 1071 when the Seljuk Sultan of Baghdad defeated the main Byzantine field army at Manzikert in Eastern Asia Minor and during the next few years Turkish war bands occupied most

    Essay Length: 2,119 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: March 16, 2011
  • Gun Control and the Second Amendment

    Gun Control and the Second Amendment

    Gun control and the Second Amendment The United States Constitution says that U.S. Citizens have the right to bear arms. Even though this guarantee was written with no constraints, there are now laws that limit certain aspects of gun ownership. The reasons for gun control fall under the flag of public safety. Though there are many safety reasons why private ownership of firearms should be banned, these arguments are outweighed not only by the need

    Essay Length: 2,515 Words / 11 Pages
    Submitted: March 19, 2011
  • Which Came First? Slavery or Racism

    Which Came First? Slavery or Racism

    America has had a long history of racism. Racism has infiltrated every aspect of American society and shows no sign of decreasing. This fact is more easily understood if racism is viewed for what it really is at its core: an institutional ideology. It is a misunderstanding to equate racism with the evil-minded treatment of one individual to another. Racism is more than just personal hatred. No, racism is allowed to subsist because it is

    Essay Length: 468 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 19, 2011
  • First Impressions in Pride and Prejudice

    First Impressions in Pride and Prejudice

    The narrative describes how the prejudices and first impressions (especially those dealing with pride) of the main characters change throughout the novel, focusing on those of Elizabeth Bennet. She had a smart first impression about Mr. Collins and how absurdly self-serving he is and about Lady Catherine de Bourgh and how proud and snobbish she is. Her first impressions of Wickham and Darcy steer her in opposites which ironically so, they do not like each

    Essay Length: 341 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 20, 2011
  • Germany Must Bear Responsibility for Starting the First World War, to a Large Extent. Do You Agree with This Statement? Explain Your Answer Using Your Own Knowledge of the Factors Causing the World War 1

    Germany Must Bear Responsibility for Starting the First World War, to a Large Extent. Do You Agree with This Statement? Explain Your Answer Using Your Own Knowledge of the Factors Causing the World War 1

    I agree that Germany must bear responsibility for starting the First WW, to a large extent. There are three reasons why I say this. First, in the early 1870s, the German Chancellor Bismarck was the first to start the alliance system which was one cause of the First World War. Other nations only followed him. Second, the extreme nationalism (Pan-Germanism) in Germany made her desire to unite with the Germans in Austria-Hungary to become a

    Essay Length: 438 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: March 20, 2011
  • First Confession: The Transformation of The Boy

    First Confession: The Transformation of The Boy

    FIRST CONFESSION: THE TRANSFORMATION OF THE BOY Frank O'Connor's story, First Confession, tells us a story of a boy who has a very colorful life at home. In the beginning of the story, the boy, Jackie, is troubled by his Sister, Father, and most of all, by his Grandmother. His Mother is rarely at home to be with him. She is the most logical one and is the only one that actually cares for

    Essay Length: 841 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: March 21, 2011
  • The First Societies

    The First Societies

    Paleolithic, in Greek means “old age of the stone" which consumed 99% of humanities existence. Small groups or tribes of people were clumped together, no more than 25 to 50 people per community. All tribes were nomads, and they mastered the ways of hunting and gathering to survive. Everybody was nomadic so not much time was spent on their shelters. All tribes also were about at the same level technologically using; stone hand axes and

    Essay Length: 748 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: March 22, 2011
  • Why Did the Armies Fight the First World War in Trenches on the Western Front and What Effect Did the Trenches Have on the Way the War Was Fought?

    Why Did the Armies Fight the First World War in Trenches on the Western Front and What Effect Did the Trenches Have on the Way the War Was Fought?

    The First World War was fought mostly in Europe between 1914 and 1918. It was fought between two major alliances. The first major alliance was the entente powers, which consisted of France, United Kingdom, Russia and their allies. The over alliance was consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary and their allies; they were names the central powers. Italy and the United States joined the Entente powers late on in the war. The immediate cause of the war

    Essay Length: 1,107 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: March 22, 2011

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