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Business Essays

8,525 Business Free Papers: 6,931 - 6,960

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    Hi! This is an essay about my favorite movie and guess what I'm going to tell you all the saga of star wars. First this movies are science fiction, since I was younger I have been liked the science fiction, war and paranormal topics and this saga has war and

    Essay Length: 1,105 Words / 5 Pages
  • Student


    Comerţul electronic (Electronic commerce sau E-commerce оn engleză) este demersul de cumpărare prin intermediul transmiterii de date la distanţă, demers specific politicii distributive a marketingului. Prin intermediul internetului se dezvoltă o relaţie de schimb şi servicii оntre ofertant şi viitor cumparător. Termenul de Electronic Business a fost făcut popular оn

    Essay Length: 833 Words / 4 Pages
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    LEADING CHANGE 20/03/07 Apply Kotler' s model for Friday's work. Good point in Kanter's collectiveness, celebrating small victories Presentation on Friday Middle managers often can be seen as blockers, because they r not given extra time to deliver the change Kotter's model of 8 phases: 1. A sense of urgency

    Essay Length: 877 Words / 4 Pages
  • Student Case

    Student Case

    In Activity-Based Costing (ABC) approach, cost drivers refer to units causally used to assign and trace indirect and expenses of a shared resource related to activities (administration, production, sales, ) on the basis of the consumption that cost objects ( works executed, products, orders, services) put demands on resources (Horngren,

    Essay Length: 391 Words / 2 Pages
  • Student Case

    Student Case

    I am not wanting anything i am just looking at this site i dont know why it is so hard just to look at this site. There should be another way to look at this site instead of me writing this taking up my time/ I am just looking probably

    Essay Length: 292 Words / 2 Pages
  • Study of Importance of Financial Ratios

    Study of Importance of Financial Ratios

    RATIO ANALYSIS, FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND STRATEGIC PLANNING Study of the Importance of Financial ratios BUS 550 Financial Management Sabin Adhikari Presidential Business School Westcliff University Mr. Rajan Kadel Abstract The paper is produced to illustrate the usefulness and importance of ratio analysis in financial planning. As well to discuss the

    Essay Length: 1,784 Words / 8 Pages
  • Stuhr Company Case Study

    Stuhr Company Case Study

    Table of Contents Chapter 1 1 Introduction 1 Research Question 1 Limitations 2 Definitions 3 Target Group 3 Report Structure 3 Research Methods 4 Critique 5 Chapter 2 5 Data Analysis 5 Questionnaire Analysis 5 Interview Analysis 9 Chapter 3 11 Service Concept 11 Chapter 4 13 Market Segment 13

    Essay Length: 11,227 Words / 45 Pages
  • Subject of International Business

    Subject of International Business

    One of the subjects of international business that I have a particular interest in concerns the different payment tools that importers and exporters use when selling goods. There is an added level of risk present when conducting transactions internationally. This risk is in the form of theft, fraud, non-payment, complications

    Essay Length: 590 Words / 3 Pages
  • Subpart D Occupational Health and Environmental Controls

    Subpart D Occupational Health and Environmental Controls

    Subpart D Occupational Health and Environmental Controls Medical Services and First Aid (OSHA 1926.50) - Alpha Three Partners shall secure the expert advice of medical professionals in all matters pertaining to Occupational Health and Safety. - Alpha Three Partners requires that multiple employees, including supervisory employees, receive First Aid or

    Essay Length: 569 Words / 3 Pages
  • Subprime Mortgage

    Subprime Mortgage

    Sub-prime Mortage Sub-prime Mortage atau KPR sub-primer adalah suatu istilah yang digunakan pada praktek pemberian kredit kepada peminjam (debitur) yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan kredit untuk diberikan pinjaman berdasarkan suku bunga pasar oleh karena debitur tersebut memiliki "catatan kredit" yang kurang baik. Kredit subprimer ini adalah sangat beresiko baik bagi pemberi

    Essay Length: 2,731 Words / 11 Pages
  • Subway Restaurants Swot

    Subway Restaurants Swot

    Strengths Subway Restaurants is one of the leading submarine sandwich franchise based in the United States and having presence in more than seventy two countries having over 20,532 restaurants all over the world. The company has been using some non traditional channels for making its network strong and the growth

    Essay Length: 456 Words / 2 Pages
  • Subway Sandwiches

    Subway Sandwiches

    Subway Sandwiches Although sub and sandwich shops offer some of the best growth opportunities in fast food today, there are signs that the category is not what is use to be. Subway's rapid growth in recent years put sub sandwiches on the fast-food map and served to attract tremendous attention

    Essay Length: 898 Words / 4 Pages
  • Succcess in Business

    Succcess in Business

    In order to be a success in business management one has to commit to his business and believe in it more than anyone else. Commitment, dedication, love of work, workaholic, ambitious, and whole-heart are terms that one might apply in describing how to be a successful business manager. There are

    Essay Length: 390 Words / 2 Pages
  • Succeeding with 80/20

    Succeeding with 80/20

    Author: Lakshmi U. Takikonda; Dan O'Brien; Rao J. Takikonda Title: Succeeding with 80/20 Source: Management Accounting (New York, NY) 80 no8 40-4 F '99 Summary The authors of this article discuss how a manufacturing company (XYZ) succeeded in cutting costs and increasing customer satisfaction by focusing on process reengineering, total

    Essay Length: 1,225 Words / 5 Pages
  • Successful Functions of Management

    Successful Functions of Management

    Successful Functions of Management Are you someone who likes to plan? Do you like to organize? Is leading your cup of tea? How about controlling situations? If you answered yes to all these questions then being in management is something you need to consider. The functions of management are crucial

    Essay Length: 813 Words / 4 Pages
  • Successful Management of a Diverse Workforce

    Successful Management of a Diverse Workforce

    Successful Management of a Diverse Workforce Being successful at managing workforce diversity involves attracting and retaining the highest quality individuals in the talent pool. For managers it means learning how to manage human potential sensitively. It requires an ever-increasing awareness of how people from different backgrounds deal with authority, communication,

    Essay Length: 2,427 Words / 10 Pages
  • Successful Organizations Are a Product of Successful Marketing

    Successful Organizations Are a Product of Successful Marketing

    Successful Organizations are a Product of Successful Marketing L. McTier Anderson's 1987 article, "Charting a Smooth Course for Marketing's Seven C's," provides a practical framework for marketing management. Anderson suggests that an appreciation of the significance of the 7Cs of the marketing discipline - customer orientation, change, competition, communication, credibility,

    Essay Length: 4,036 Words / 17 Pages
  • Suggestions for Your Annual Physical Inventory

    Suggestions for Your Annual Physical Inventory

    The business year will come to a close for many companies on December 31. An integral part of the closing process is the tedious and time-consuming annual physical inventory. Having endured just a few of these, I have the following suggestions to help make the process go a little smoother.

    Essay Length: 1,061 Words / 5 Pages
  • Summarised Financial Accounts 2012 for Spin Plc

    Summarised Financial Accounts 2012 for Spin Plc

    Finance A. Summarised Financial Accounts 2012 for Spin plc Balance Sheet £ m Non-current assets (fixed asset) 400 Current Assets: Inventories (stock) 37 Receivables (debtors) 30 Cash 3 Total current assets 70 Current liabilities (60) Net current assets 10 Non-current liabilities (long-term loans) (140) Net assets 270 Share capital 250

    Essay Length: 2,167 Words / 9 Pages
  • Summary of a Balancing Act

    Summary of a Balancing Act

    The balance scorecard is a measurement system. Its most important function is to support the promotion of strategy at an everyday operation level. The balance scorecard system is part of a strategic and operation-planning objective setting and monitoring as well as learning about how well the strategy works. This system

    Essay Length: 347 Words / 2 Pages
  • Summary of Bhopal Gas Tragedy

    Summary of Bhopal Gas Tragedy

    Paper on the Bhopal Gas Tragedy (1984): On 3rd December 1984, India witnessed one of the most catastrophic industrial tragedies which killed or injured over 100000 people. This disturbance took place in Bhopal’s Union Carbide plant when methyl isocynate (MIC) leaked into the atmosphere. This was due to negligence and

    Essay Length: 1,196 Words / 5 Pages
  • Summary of Dr. Philip Kotler and Sonali Krishna Video Conversation

    Summary of Dr. Philip Kotler and Sonali Krishna Video Conversation

    C:\Users\MyraAzhar\Desktop\UMS_Logo.png MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) SEMESTER 1, 2016/2017 BM6053 MARKETING MANAGEMENT TALK 10% Title: Summary of Dr. Philip Kotler and Sonali Krishna Video Conversation PREPARED BY AMIRA BINTI AZHAR MB1612015T SUBMIT TO DR. AZAZE @ AZIZI ABDUL ADIS DATE OF SUBMISSION 13th November 2016 The video shows the conversation

    Essay Length: 656 Words / 3 Pages
  • Summary of Leadership for Organizations

    Summary of Leadership for Organizations

    Summary of Leadership for Organizations John V. Duran MGT/LDR 380 Leadership for Organizations Ray Levesque November 7, 2004 Summary of Leadership for Organizations Leadership for Organizations has been a very interesting and enlightening class for me. I thoroughly enjoyed learning new theories, approaches, styles and ethical concepts on the

    Essay Length: 908 Words / 4 Pages
  • Summary of Market Wizards

    Summary of Market Wizards

    I enjoyed reading Jack D. Schwager's MARKET WIZARDS (interviews with top traders), because interviews in this book are straight forward detailed and very informative. I selected this book, because it is very interesting to me that how did these top notch traders reached at this level of trading. So I

    Essay Length: 1,343 Words / 6 Pages
  • Summary of Private Uses for Public Interest

    Summary of Private Uses for Public Interest

    This lecture by Stiglitz is about how and why Pareto or near-Pareto improvement is hard to achieve, through his experience in Council of Economic Advisors for the United States government. First, Stiglitz writes about Adam Smith`s invisible hand theory as an explications of conditions under which market equilibrium will

    Essay Length: 1,314 Words / 6 Pages
  • Summary of Startup

    Summary of Startup

    Summary of Entrepreneur Interview Entrepreneur: Zahid Iqbal Businesses: Haneef Electronics Haneef Jewelers Dubai Mall Interviewed at: Dubai Mall Site Interviewers: Group Team Members and Their Contribution 1. Zain ulAbaddin: Worked from start till end. He was very supportive, motivating and motivate and energetic throughout the assignment. 2. Moattar Farooq: Helped

    Essay Length: 1,139 Words / 5 Pages
  • Summary of the Article, “chinese Consumers: Doing It Their Way”

    Summary of the Article, “chinese Consumers: Doing It Their Way”

    China’s once-drab and Mao-suited interior is not so far behind. It is surprisingly that China’s cosmopolitans now know at any given moment what movies are playing in New York and what fashions are on the Paris runways. The passion for fashion is astonishing. There has been a movement towards fashion

    Essay Length: 1,540 Words / 7 Pages
  • Summary Report: Strategic Alignment: Leveraging Information Technology for Transforming Organizations

    Summary Report: Strategic Alignment: Leveraging Information Technology for Transforming Organizations

    Strategic Alignment: Leveraging Information Technology for transforming Organizations Based on the paper of J.C. Henderson, N. Venkatraman (1993) by Philipp Maderthaner A. Summary Henderson and Venkatraman proposed a model for business - IT alignment; it was intended to support the integration of information technology (IT) into business strategy by advocating

    Essay Length: 1,867 Words / 8 Pages
  • Summer Camp Budget

    Summer Camp Budget

    Working Capital What makes our camp so unique in terms of business is the Requirements fact that it only operates for ten weeks during the summer, which results in low operating costs and overall expenses. Because it is seasonal service orientated, there is very little capital required to start such

    Essay Length: 609 Words / 3 Pages
  • Sun Life Case

    Sun Life Case

    Table of contents 1: Summary 2 2: Main Contents of the report 3-20 2.1: Introduction 3 2.2: Problem and the followed procedure 4 2.3: Sun Life Financial from strategic managerial viewpoints 4 2.3.1: Sun Life Financial's strategic logic 6 2.3.2: SWOT analysis 10 2.3.3: PEST analysis 13 2.3.4: The

    Essay Length: 7,205 Words / 29 Pages
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