Leadership Case
Essay by eldercdkeene • March 31, 2013 • Essay • 1,080 Words (5 Pages) • 1,630 Views
From the words of Theodore Hesburgh "The very essence of leadership is you have a vision. It's got to be a vision you articulate clearly and forcefully on every occasion. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet."
One of the key elements at the heart of effective leadership is vision, which can be defined "as seeing with your imagination." As a leader, it is essential to know precisely where you are going, even more importantly, why you are going there. Why do you want what you want? What compels you to do what you do? Your vision can be small or earth shaking, but it must be absolutely clear. As a leader, the clarity or fuzziness of your vision and your commitment to that vision has a direct and vital effect on those on your team. This form of leadership can also be acquainted to transformational leadership.
Transformation leadership is vision, planning, communication, and creative action, which has a positive unifying effect on a group of people around a set of clear values and beliefs, to accomplish a clear set of measurable goals. The transforming approach simultaneously impacts the personal development and organizational productivity of all involved.
"Leaders passionately believe that they can make a difference. They envision the future, creating an ideal and unique image of what the organization can become. Through their magnetism and quiet persuasion, leaders enlist others in their dreams. They breathe life into their visions and get people to see exciting possibilities for the future." (Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner 2007, p.10)
Vision has various definitions as it relate from person to person and from businesses to businesses. Vision has been viewed differently, but has a common characteristics as reported by Sooksan Kantabutra, Leadership Research Group
A. vision is about a desirable
B. vision is essential for leadership
C. vision is basis for business strategy and planning
D. vision creates a sense of direction for organizational members.
When I view vision I conceive it as the driving force whether it be an individual our business. Having a vision is important in all aspects' of live. An analogy that comes in mind: In order for a car to move forward there are certain elements needed for movement, one element is gas. Without gas does not mean the car cannot move because it can be towed, pushed are moved in other ways. But without the gas the process of movement is hindered. Without vision there is a hinder to ones progression.
Followership is a very important aspect to good leadership. Leaders have to convince their followers of the vision and make sure everyone sees the same vision they see. Leaders gain a following by clearly envisioning the future state of the organization and communicating it to all employees. Effective followers understand that vision, ask questions about it, and know how their daily responsibilities fit into accomplishing the common organizational agenda. In other words, they know where they're going and how to get there.
.Leadership is not a position, but rather an action. A leader is simply someone who has the courage to be the example for others to follow. A leader lives constantly under a microscope. Nothing a leader does or say will escape the scrutiny and examination of followers. As a leader your team's activities and attitudes will simply mirror the example you have set for them.
So being an aspiring leader we must ask ourselves repeatedly, what message am I sending? What example am I setting? What environment am I creating? When you as a leader set out to make a difference your beliefs, words and actions inspire others to follow your example. As a leader, setting the example comes first and foremost. In short, you as the leader are accountable. (Jim Britt)
Vision is the first main point of Jesus' leadership